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<<yokowasis>> Project Keroyok Hostgator

Discussion in 'Hosting & Domain' started by yokowasis, Jan 31, 2012.

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  1. yokowasis

    yokowasis Ads.id Pro

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Bukti Pembayaran :

    Quota member yang membayar sudah terpenuhi. Ada beberapa orang yang mengundurkan diri, tapi karena dari awal sudah dilebihkan, maka tidak menjadi masalah yang berarti.

    Hosting -Insya Allah- siap digunakan pada :
    Jum'at, 3 Februari 2012
    09.00 WIB

    Terima Kasih Kepada :
    1. Member Adsi-Id yang telah mensukseskan acara ini
    2. Momod P3durungan yang sudah memberikan masukan
    3. Para penumpang yang sudah membayar tepat waktu
    4. Admin yang bikin ni forum
    5. Mas Thalia (http://www.adsense-id.com/forums/member.php/42751-thalia)
    dan lapaknya (http://www.adsense-id.com/forums/showthread.php/95792-Toko-Jual-Beli-Balance-Paypal)
    Yang sudah repot2 :
    a. Meminjamkan rekening banknya
    b. Mem-book balance h-1.
    c. Mendata member
    d. Me-rekap pembayaran
    6. Dan pihak - pihak lainnya yang tidak mungkin saya sebutkan disini.

    Kritik, saran dan masukan bisa dikirimkan melalui pm, ym atau email.

    Bagi temen2 yang belum sempat dapat, Insya Allah bulan depan "mungkin" akan diadakan semacam ini lagi. Kita lihat dulu hasilnya yang ini.

    Sekali lagi terima kasih ads-id.

    Tanpa kerja sama dari kalian semua, mimpi mendapat hosting di hostgator dengan harga $8 / tahun, hanyalah mimpi.
    Dengan semangat kerjasama yang berat akan menjadi ringan.

    Betul betul betul ?
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2012
    msteak, thalia, Dhity.H.P and 10 others like this.
  2. Rays ID

    Rays ID Ads.id Pro

    Jan 3, 2011
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    harusnya dijelaskan juga apa yg akan didapat tiap member..disk dan bw
  3. PenjualBayaran

    PenjualBayaran Ads.id Pro

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Ane ikut donk. Patungan gt yak?
  4. tanpatinta

    tanpatinta Ads.id Pro

    Nov 5, 2008
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    Solo Surakarta
    pesan tempat saya nya
  5. amplaz

    amplaz Hero

    Oct 28, 2011
    Likes Received:
    aq dah punya di hg...pa bs bikin akun lgi y...klo bs aq ikut Gan,,,
  6. blackskin

    blackskin Ads.id Pro

    Dec 24, 2010
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    spesifikasinya seperti apa nih?
    sama kayak paket baby di HG? kayaknya perlu di jelasin nih ;)
  7. rangga_ryuuzaki

    rangga_ryuuzaki Super Hero

    Dec 31, 2009
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    spec yg didapat apa nih? detailnya :)
  8. pancuraji

    pancuraji Super Hero

    Mar 6, 2011
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    $8/tahun bisa addon kan bos? Kalau dah punya account di HG boleh ikut ndak? kalau boleh ane daftar bos..
  9. Diandra

    Diandra Super Hero

    Apr 8, 2011
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    idem sama mastah2 diatas :)
  10. andinimulya

    andinimulya Hero

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Jogja pelosok
    bookmarkj dulu deh,,,,,, nunggu ts jelasin detailnya :D
  11. coyser

    coyser Hero

    Mar 12, 2010
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    @ts .,,ambil reseller yangpaling kecil kah?
  12. tajirman

    tajirman Hero

    Nov 16, 2010
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    Kurang jelas nih infonya

    1. Apakah bisa add on domain? Maksimal berapa domain yg bisa di add on?
    2. Bisa pake robot nggak setiap domain kita add on, maksimalnya berapa?
    3. Masing2 anggota dapat diskspace dan bandwith berapa?
    4. Masing2 anggota dapat cPanel nggak seperti shared-nya HG (babyplan)?

    Kalo bisa add on domain dan boleh pake robot, saya ikut :D, apalagi kalo diperbolehkan add on domainnya banyak :))
  13. p3durungan

    p3durungan Super Hero

    Jan 26, 2009
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    depan laptop
    dijelaskan sejelas jelasnya dulu, soalnya bisa jadi dari 30 pengikut tersebut ada beberapa gelintir yang traffic nya mbludak lah or pluginnya makan resource lah.... kalau sampai kena suspended semua kan repot :cerutu: kalau sudah terlanjur kejadian kena suspended ngedadak 30 orang rame2 bikin thread surat panggilan disini kan makin repot lagi :cerutu:
  14. yokowasis

    yokowasis Ads.id Pro

    Jul 29, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Banyak yg kurang mudeng ya :D.

    Oke deh tak jelasin. Disini saya rencananya ngambil reseller yang paling murah (Alumunium).
    Harga setahunnya resellernya $239.52 /tahun dibulatkan jadi $240.

    $240 / 30 = $8 / tahun / orang.

    Untuk Bandwidth dan DiskSpace dibagi rata semua.

    Untuk Alumunium Jatahnya 50GB / 500GB

    Jadi per orang = (50GB/500GB) / 30 =
    1.6GB DiskSpace
    16.6GB Bandwidth.

    Nah semoga semuanya jelas. Disini saya membagi seadil2nya.

    Kalo kena suspended semua saya yakin ga mungkin, karena disini kita semua memiliki akun yang berbeda2, kecuali adminnya yang kena suspend ya beda ceritanya.

    Jadi disini yang dikeroyok untuk reseller alumunium, bukan akun babyplan yang $8 / bulan yang dikeroyok. Kalo baby plan dikeroyok tentu 1 orang bermasalah, akan menyeret temen2 yang lain kena getahnya. Makanya dikeroyok yg reeller, tiap2 orang punya akun sendiri dan tiap2 orang bertanggung jawab atas akunnya sendiri.

    Dimana lagi bisa dapat akun hostgator $8 / tahun ? Disinilah perlunya kita mengembangkan semangat gotong royongnya orang Indonesia :D. Kalo kita saling bahu membahu, yang berat, tentu terasa ringan :)

    Untuk plugin, saya sudah pernah ngomong sama CSny Hostgator. Saya tanya, apa ada plugin Wordpress yang dilarang ? Si CS, ngecek2 dulu sebentar, lalu dia jawab tidak ada. Alias semua plugin boleh dijalankan. Cuma HG punya kebijakan, Process CPU tidak boleh lebih dari %20 selama 10 menit (kalo ga salah). Jadi sebaiknya yang suka maen STT dan AGC2an, lebih baik dikurangi. Kalo mau maen robot2an saya rasa tidak masalah toh tidak terlalu memakan resource. Beda dengan AGC dan STT yg minta resource terus menerus selama ada traffic yg datang.

    Oh Iya 1 lagi. Disini banyak yang beranggapan saya akan menjadi Admin. Well, itu salah besar.

    Disini saya hanya melontarkan sebuah IDE untuk mempermudah teman2 kita yang ingin menikmati hostingan yang bisa membuat tenang jiwa dan raga, karena kita tahu, paling tidak, kita ga ditinggal kabur oleh hostgator :D.

    Jadi disini saya hanya sekedar fasilitator dan pendata. Kalo ada yang mau menjadi admin silahkan (syarat dan ketentuan berlaku). Apalagi kalo om p3d mau jadi admin kami tentunya akan sangat senang sekali :D

    Terima Kasih Itu saja yang mau saya jelaskan untuk saat ini, lebih dan kurangnya mohon maaf. Ada yang ditanyakan silahkan :)
    Mufet and autocrack like this.
  15. p3durungan

    p3durungan Super Hero

    Jan 26, 2009
    Likes Received:
    depan laptop
    mungkin perlu ditanya ke CS nya kalau akun Reseller dibagi jadi 30 customer terus dua customer ada yang exceed badwidth plus satu lagi makan resource apa yang kena suspended akun reseller nya atau yg kena suspended cuma dua orang yang bermasalah aja.
  16. cahngalasz

    cahngalasz Super Hero

    Sep 5, 2009
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    Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, Indonesia
    Sangat menarik,tapi bener kata momod,tolong ditanyain dulu ,buat mengantisipasi hal2 belakangan
  17. yokowasis

    yokowasis Ads.id Pro

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Of course. Saya tanyakan dulu bentar BRB Ngantri di CS.

    Transcript Chat :
    Chat ID: 5448054. Question: My Domain Name is:"anytoweb.com"

    (10:37:22am)System:Customer has entered chat and is waiting for an agent.

    (10:41:16am)Ryland R.:Welcome to HostGator.com Live Chat. My name is Ryland, and I will be happy to assist you with your inquiry.

    (10:41:16am)Ryland R.:Welcome to HostGator.com Live Chat. My name is Ryland, and I will be happy to assist you with your inquiry.

    (10:41:18am)Ryland R.: Hello Yoko!

    (10:41:18am)Ryland R.: Hello Yoko!



    (10:42:01am)yoko:If I got myself a reseller account, what is the limit of the user under me ?

    (10:42:01am)yoko:If I got myself a reseller account, what is the limit of the user under me ?

    (10:42:23am)Ryland R.:The limit of users is limited to the amount of disk space and bandwidth allocated.

    (10:42:23am)Ryland R.:The limit of users is limited to the amount of disk space and bandwidth allocated.

    (10:42:35am)yoko:No, I mean the resource limit.

    (10:42:35am)yoko:No, I mean the resource limit.

    (10:42:56am)yoko:Baby plan have 20% limit (CMIIW) ?

    (10:42:56am)yoko:Baby plan have 20% limit (CMIIW) ?

    (10:43:36am)Ryland R.:The reseller plan would be the exact same as the Shared server per cPanel.

    (10:43:36am)Ryland R.:The reseller plan would be the exact same as the Shared server per cPanel.

    (10:43:39am)Ryland R.:Which is 25%

    (10:43:39am)Ryland R.:Which is 25%

    (10:43:52am)yoko:how many minutes ?

    (10:43:52am)yoko:how many minutes ?

    (10:44:01am)yoko:I am forgot sorry.

    (10:44:01am)yoko:I am forgot sorry.



    (10:47:10am)Ryland R.:What do you mean by minutes?

    (10:47:10am)Ryland R.:What do you mean by minutes?

    (10:48:06am)yoko:I remembered I read something like, if your resource is 25% for x minutes, your account will be suspended or something.

    (10:48:06am)yoko:I remembered I read something like, if your resource is 25% for x minutes, your account will be suspended or something.

    (10:48:26am)yoko:I don't really remember whether it is minutes or seconds

    (10:48:26am)yoko:I don't really remember whether it is minutes or seconds

    (10:48:35am)yoko:but it is something along those line

    (10:48:35am)yoko:but it is something along those line

    (10:50:03am)Ryland R.:Use 25% or more of system resources for longer then 90 seconds.

    (10:50:03am)Ryland R.:Use 25% or more of system resources for longer then 90 seconds.

    (10:50:16am)yoko:yes, that's what I mean. Thanks.

    (10:50:16am)yoko:yes, that's what I mean. Thanks.

    (10:50:21am)Ryland R.:No problem Yoko!

    (10:50:21am)Ryland R.:No problem Yoko!

    (10:51:07am)yoko:Ok, what will happened when there is user who abuse the resource under my reseller account, will me and the user get suspended ?

    (10:51:07am)yoko:Ok, what will happened when there is user who abuse the resource under my reseller account, will me and the user get suspended ?

    (10:51:29am)yoko:the other (non-abusive) user I mean

    (10:51:29am)yoko:the other (non-abusive) user I mean

    (10:51:44am)yoko:Will all of use get suspended or just the one who is abusive ?

    (10:51:44am)yoko:Will all of use get suspended or just the one who is abusive ?

    (10:51:51am)Ryland R.:That is correct you would have to look into having them optimize their script. However it would just be the user who was abusing.

    (10:51:51am)Ryland R.:That is correct you would have to look into having them optimize their script. However it would just be the user who was abusing.

    (10:51:52am)yoko:all of us I mean

    (10:51:52am)yoko:all of us I mean

    (10:52:08am)yoko:Okay, thanks.

    (10:52:08am)yoko:Okay, thanks.

    (10:52:42am)Ryland R.:No problem Yoko!

    (10:52:42am)Ryland R.:No problem Yoko!

    (10:53:14am)yoko:Okay, will I be notified about the abusive user, or the hostgator suspended it instantly ?

    (10:53:14am)yoko:Okay, will I be notified about the abusive user, or the hostgator suspended it instantly ?

    (10:53:57am)Ryland R.:The user would be suspended and you would be notified simultaneously.

    (10:53:57am)Ryland R.:The user would be suspended and you would be notified simultaneously.

    (10:54:44am)yoko:Can I unsuspend it ? provide he has remove the resource intense script / website

    (10:54:44am)yoko:Can I unsuspend it ? provide he has remove the resource intense script / website

    (10:55:08am)Ryland R.:Absolutely!

    (10:55:08am)Ryland R.:Absolutely!

    (10:55:23am)yoko:Ok, Perfect. Thanks.

    (10:55:23am)yoko:Ok, Perfect. Thanks.

    (10:55:42am)Ryland R.:No problem Yoko anytime!

    (10:55:42am)Ryland R.:No problem Yoko anytime!

    (10:55:43am)Ryland R.:Was I able to resolve your issue today?

    (10:55:43am)Ryland R.:Was I able to resolve your issue today?

    (10:55:53am)yoko:Yes, absolutely

    (10:55:53am)yoko:Yes, absolutely

    (10:55:59am)yoko:By the way, your chat is still error. Every sentence is written twice

    (10:55:59am)yoko:By the way, your chat is still error. Every sentence is written twice

    Intinya :
    Setiap orang akan mendapatkan CPanel sendiri, batasannya adalah 25% CPU selama 90 Detik. Lebih dari itu akun kena suspend (akun yang melakukan hal2 yang berat). Akun yang lain tidak akan terpengaruh, apalagi resellernya. Bisa di unsuspend dengan catatan plugin / situs yang berat tidak diaktifkan.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2012
  18. p3durungan

    p3durungan Super Hero

    Jan 26, 2009
    Likes Received:
    depan laptop
    sembari ngopi menunggu antrian CS nya, usulan dari saya sebelum beli paket hostingnya sebaiknya minta tolong pake affiliate Yumichan supaya bisa dapat cashback :silau: kemudian hal berikutnya sebelum beli harus dilakukan polling mau ambil server yang mana, walaupun ada yang sudah punya paketan HG tapi kalau bisa dapet beda server pasti beda IP, mayan buat nambah koleksi untuk PTR.
  19. yokowasis

    yokowasis Ads.id Pro

    Jul 29, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Udah tak update itu mas di atas. Ohh boleh2, om p3d atur aja deh. Jadi admin ya? :D. Saya hanya fasilitator aja, gimana ?
    Ambil alih aja ni thread, di atur aja mod, :D ane sih ngkut aja, yg penting temen2 bisa mendapatkan rumah yang layak dengan harga yang membumi :D
  20. hardinalz

    hardinalz Super Hero

    Mar 8, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Bingung bacanya, nih udah aku rapihin chat-nya TS:

    (10:41:16am)Ryland R.:Welcome to HostGator.com Live Chat. My name is Ryland, and I will be happy to assist you with your inquiry.

    (10:41:18am)Ryland R.: Hello Yoko!


    (10:42:01am)yoko:If I got myself a reseller account, what is the limit of the user under me ?

    (10:42:23am)Ryland R.:The limit of users is limited to the amount of disk space and bandwidth allocated.

    (10:42:35am)yoko:No, I mean the resource limit.

    (10:42:56am)yoko:Baby plan have 20% limit (CMIIW) ?

    (10:43:36am)Ryland R.:The reseller plan would be the exact same as the Shared server per cPanel.

    (10:43:39am)Ryland R.:Which is 25%

    (10:43:52am)yoko:how many minutes ?

    (10:44:01am)yoko:I am forgot sorry.


    (10:47:10am)Ryland R.:What do you mean by minutes?

    (10:48:06am)yoko:I remembered I read something like, if your resource is 25% for x minutes, your account will be suspended or something.

    (10:48:26am)yoko:I don't really remember whether it is minutes or seconds

    (10:48:35am)yoko:but it is something along those line

    (10:50:03am)Ryland R.:Use 25% or more of system resources for longer then 90 seconds.

    (10:50:16am)yoko:yes, that's what I mean. Thanks.

    (10:50:21am)Ryland R.:No problem Yoko!

    (10:51:07am)yoko:Ok, what will happened when there is user who abuse the resource under my reseller account, will me and the user get suspended ?

    (10:51:29am)yoko:the other (non-abusive) user I mean

    (10:51:44am)yoko:Will all of use get suspended or just the one who is abusive ?

    (10:51:51am)Ryland R.:That is correct you would have to look into having them optimize their script. However it would just be the user who was abusing.

    (10:51:52am)yoko:all of us I mean

    (10:52:08am)yoko:Okay, thanks.

    (10:52:42am)Ryland R.:No problem Yoko!

    (10:53:14am)yoko:Okay, will I be notified about the abusive user, or the hostgator suspended it instantly ?

    (10:53:57am)Ryland R.:The user would be suspended and you would be notified simultaneously.

    (10:54:44am)yoko:Can I unsuspend it ? provide he has remove the resource intense script / website

    (10:55:08am)Ryland R.:Absolutely!

    (10:55:23am)yoko:Ok, Perfect. Thanks.

    (10:55:42am)Ryland R.:No problem Yoko anytime!

    (10:55:43am)Ryland R.:Was I able to resolve your issue today?

    (10:55:53am)yoko:Yes, absolutely

    (10:55:59am)yoko:By the way, your chat is still error. Every sentence is written twice
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