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regist GA

Discussion in 'Google AdSense TOS' started by ganghis, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. ganghis

    ganghis Newbie

    Jul 27, 2006
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    gw coba regist GA nih..tapi ada yg gw lom ngerti

    Which best describes you?

    I have an email address and password I already use with Google services like AdWords, Gmail, Orkut, or the personalized home page.

    I do not use these other services.

    gw belom punya acc sama sekali..jadi pilih i do not use...

    setelah itu muncul
    Create a new Google Account to be my AdSense login
    ini disini kita mulai baru kan? mulai bikin acc utk GA yg baru.
    gw coba buat and submit..kemudian muncul seperti ini :

    ! Important - you cannot change your payee name or country selection after you apply. Please ensure that you have entered the correct information.
    gw dah coba berkali2 masih aja ga bisa..ada yg mo bantu?

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